Mitali Saran

Stories by Mitali Saran

Guess what? I am an anti-national!

Guess what? I am an anti-national!   8 Apr 2018

'If ever I served my country, it was by earning the label 'anti-national' in the age of Modi,' says Mitali Saran.

Why the Dalai Lama is so beloved

Why the Dalai Lama is so beloved   30 Mar 2018

'From exile in India, he keeps the Tibetan cause blazing on the world radar.' 'He could take himself very seriously indeed -- hundreds of millions of people do, after all.' 'Instead,' discovers Mitali Saran, 'he is a joyous, laughing beacon of dissent, both political and spiritual.'

What a fool I have been!

What a fool I have been!   23 Mar 2018

'Paying my taxes, diligently repaying my loans, following the rules, scrupulously doing things by the book, when there's this big, beautiful world of unregulated chicanery I could have indulged in for years before just flying off to greener pastures, like Lalit Modi, Vijay Mallya and Nirav Modi,' says Mitali Saran.

Hey! Heard anything about the farmers?

Hey! Heard anything about the farmers?   17 Mar 2018

'I can barely see anything in the news about the farmer protests, and all I've seen of Nirav Modi is that he can't come home because he's busy, and that the CBI is writing letters begging him to please at least call the Indian embassy, no?'

Can the Opposition get its act together?

Can the Opposition get its act together?   14 Mar 2018

The least the Opposition can do, for India's sake, is try to offer one, says Mitali Saran.

Time to rename India

Time to rename India   3 Mar 2018

'It would be nice if we could all just take a deep breath and focus on the only feeling that really matters, and for which previous generations worked a very long time at great cost: Freedom,' says Mitali Saran.

Am I ever going to grow up?

Am I ever going to grow up?   8 Feb 2018

'Okay, I don't own houses or dress well or have children or anything, but I have been dealing with my own shit and taking care of myself in some basic way for a good long while,' says Mitali Saran.

Padmaavat, Davos, and Janus the Roman god

Padmaavat, Davos, and Janus the Roman god   6 Feb 2018

'There is space for many faces and many tongues in this Republic of ours. But it only has one Constitution, and its citizens are vigilant,' says Mitali Saran.

The Giant Mess Called Aadhaar

The Giant Mess Called Aadhaar   16 Jan 2018

'First sold to us as a voluntary scheme for government subsidies, Aadhaar has since sprouted multiple heads and tails, horns, fangs, warts, and a nasty case of halitosis.' 'It is unacceptably intrusive, our data is hilariously unsafe, and fraud, corruption, and criminality is rampant,' says Mitali Saran.

Three Cheers for the Indian

Three Cheers for the Indian   9 Jan 2018

'Thank you to those citizens of India who, every single day, quietly, anonymously, and decently refrain from targeting, hounding or murdering their neighbours, no matter how much they want to; and thanks also to those who loudly stand up for each other in the face of threat,' says Mitali Saran.

Hey, this is what India needs to know about

Hey, this is what India needs to know about   16 Dec 2017

'Here's a list of the things we should be reading more about in the media,' says Mitali Saran.

Does anyone care what air Delhi breathes?

Does anyone care what air Delhi breathes?   21 Nov 2017

'The greatest danger is that the current crisis will clear a little, we'll be able to see our hands in front of our faces, and with great relief we'll forget all about it and willingly breathe poison until next November', says Mitali Saran.

No chemo, she said

No chemo, she said   17 Nov 2017

'It takes massive courage and clarity to choose quality over time.' 'It's not that Annie never doubted her choice -- she wavered occasionally.' 'But she went with her instincts, and retained control of her life and scripted her own best possible death,' says Mitali Saran.

Gosh! I've discovered online shopping :)

Gosh! I've discovered online shopping :)   7 Nov 2017

'If you're going to tell me what a lame fossil I am, save it,' says Mitali Saran.

#MeToo: Indian men don't see sexism as a huge problem

#MeToo: Indian men don't see sexism as a huge problem   31 Oct 2017

'I see liberal men shocked at the flood of #MeToo on their timelines, men who rail against these terrible things, but who haven't had the slightest idea how many of their friends and family have suffered under their noses, nor how much,' says Mitali Saran.

Bringing Modi's working style home

Bringing Modi's working style home   23 Oct 2017

'I would like to extend a heartfelt mea culpa to Mr Modi and his associates.' 'I'm sorry for having been so critical -- I didn't know, I didn't know...' says Mitali Saran.

Indian democracy is in the fight of its life

Indian democracy is in the fight of its life   10 Oct 2017

'And if you think this is alarmist nonsense, you are helping it happen,' says Mitali Saran.

Why India needs a viable Opposition

Why India needs a viable Opposition   2 Oct 2017

Voters deserve one. Democracy requires one. We need an alternative that people want, not just an anti-vote, says Mitali Saran.

Something fishy about the kettle

Something fishy about the kettle   20 Sep 2017

'All my life I've walked into hotel rooms and headed straight to the tea tray to make myself cup after relaxing cup of tea in that kettle, never once considering that somebody may have boiled their undies in it,' says Mitali Saran.

Why I want to give this man a hug

Why I want to give this man a hug   11 Sep 2017

The Right to Privacy judgment reinstates the individual as VIP, says Mitali Saran.